Zachary E. Malone, B.A.
Lecturer Ketchum Hall 326Office: (716) 878-5417
Email: maloneze@buffalostate.edu
Zachary Malone (he/him) began teaching at Naropa University prior to relocating to Buffalo, NY where he has been employed at SUNY Buffalo State University since 2016. A former tutor in the Buffalo State University College Tutoring Center, he has taught courses such as Biblical and Classical Literature, Fairy Tales and Folklore, Film and Literature, as well as the two courses offered through the College Writing Program.
As an instructor, Zachary prioritizes remaining in service of and being an ally to his students. His teaching pedagogy centers around creating community, co-collaboration, and remains committed to the resistance of antiquated authoritarian and hierarchical modalities. His emphasis on subjectivity and reflexivity is in support of his students as collaborators in the discovery and exploration while striving for breadth (general) and depth (specificity).
Zachary’s current doctoral research pertains to post-Jungian depth psychological methods of hermeneutics and exegesis. His current interests are primarily focused on manifestations of Psyche (Soul) and the liminal in text and language throughout various media as an interdisciplinary scholar.
Fall 2024 Office Hours:
In-Person: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 12:00pm-12:50pm
Online: Tuesday and Thursday by appointment
Ph.D. candidate, Religious and Mythological Studies, Pacifica Graduate Institute, Santa Barbara, CA
M.A. Religious and Mythological Studies, Pacifica Graduate Institute, Santa Barbara, CA
B.A. Religious Studies, Naropa University, Boulder, CO